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So far admin has created 1125 blog entries.

Klavir na prodaju

Prodajem polukoncertni klavir CArl Door.

Tijana Jovanovic


By | avgust 1st, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

Pridružite se besplatnoj muzičkoj radionici

Pozivamo vas da se pridružite besplatnoj majstorskoj radionici Franciska Pača Floresa, najboljeg trubača venecuelanske El Sisteme u okviru KotorArt festivala. U organizaciji Music Art Project-a, Pačo će nastupiti i na solističkom koncertu 3. avgusta. Prijavite se za radionicu na musicartproject.rs@gmail.com.

By | avgust 1st, 2014|Pozivnice|Nema komentara

39th EMU General Assembly – 5 and 6 December 2014 in Berlin

Headlines of the programme

Friday 5 December 2014

Before 13.30   Arrival participants
14.00 - 17.30  General Assembly – Household Matters
19.00              Dinner

Saturday 6 December 2014

09.30 - 12.30   Open space working groups
14.00 - 17.30   Management capacity-building seminar 
                        ‘Development of National Music and Culture School Associations’

By | avgust 1st, 2014|EMU|Nema komentara

Kutak za roditelje

Sigurno ste mnogo puta primetili da Vaše dete peva pesmice sa rečima ili melodijom koju je samo izmislilo, ili da pak menja melodiju ili tekst neke poznate dečije pesme. Takvo pevanje se naziva „stvaralačko pevanje“ i pokazatelj je da dete ima unutrašnju potrebu za pevačkim stvaralaštvom, pri čemu ono razvija maštu i oslobađa se sopstvene napetosti. Za detetovo samopouzdanje je od izuzetne važnosti da roditelji ne kritikuju, već podstiču ovakav vid pevanja.

Vi možete biti i pokretač tako što ćete dete navoditi da neke reči umesto da izgovori, proba da otpeva. Na primer, dok kuvate ili šetate, možete zajedno izmišljati pesmice o hrani koju spremate ili životinjama koje ste u šetnji sreli

Pokušajte, može i Vama biti zabavno

Skola muzike Melodies

By | jul 29th, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

Skola muzie Melodies

Ako ste se pitali kako da na kreativan način ispunite leto, imamo zanimljiv muzički predlog za vas!

By | jul 29th, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

RIP Natasa Danilovic

Trepnula je i otišla od nas...

Natasa Danilovic 14.06.1969. - 24.07.2014.

i ostavila neizrecivu tugu...

By | jul 29th, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

Technologies and media

New app makes creating music easy

Panaiotis – a one-name composer, performer of computer-assisted music and University of New Mexico research professor – has yet another credit to add to his résumé.

ABQ Journal

Whyd, un réseau social musical qui centralise les coups de coeur

L'application Whyd permet de se créer des playlists personnalisées à partir des contenus recommandés par des tiers et de contenus découverts sur YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud.

French Web

Wired For Sound Brings Mobile Recording Studio To Southern African Artists

Wired For Sound is a mobile recording studio "working with community radio and musicians throughout Southern Africa."


Use of assistive music technologies for young people with disabilities

The article was written for the peer reviewed music journal, Digital Creativity. It provides a detailed account of the development process and principles behind the iMUSE research
project, based at the University of Sunderland.

Teaching Music

10 Years of Online Music

The rise of smartphones now means that we are able to carry around our entire record collections on one 120g device. Long gone are the days of alphabetising CD collections to find the dreaded CD in the wrong case!


By | jul 25th, 2014|EMU|Nema komentara

Music Education

Education in the new economy: STEM plus arts

Ken Robinson, author of the inspiring best-seller "Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative," reminds us that the goal of education should not be to teach subjects, rather to teach students.

SLT Today

France: L'Éducation artistique et culturelle "un engagement au long cours"

L'Éducation artistique et culturelle compte parmi les chevaux de bataille de la ministre de la Culture.


Michelle Obama pushes for music, arts in schools at awards lunch

First Lady Michelle Obama took to an entertainment-industry pulpit in Los Angeles to stump for expanding the role of arts in education, saying that 6 million children in the U.S. have no exposure to any form of arts in school.

Los Angeles Times

India: Need for formalized music education

It is not often that you find your teacher using a keyboard instead of a blackboard, but no one's complaining at Goa University (GU).

The Times of India

UK: Charity gives springboard to aspiring young musicians

During the Second World War, the great violinist and educator Yehudi Menuhin played concerts for Allied troops and travelled to Belsen concentration camp shortly after it was liberated to perform for surviving prisoners.

Herald Scotland

By | jul 25th, 2014|EMU|Nema komentara


KORČULA, 26.08. – 30.08. 2013.
Dear friends, there's still time to apply for this great event!!! Don't hesitate to contact me or organizer directly for further information!

By | jul 25th, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

The 39th EMU General Assembly 2014

will take place in Berlin on 5 and 6 December 2014

Headlines of the programme

Friday 5 December 2014

Before 13.30   Arrival participants
14.00 - 17.30  General Assembly – Household Matters
19.00              Dinner

Saturday 6 December 2014

09.30 - 12.30   Open space working groups
14.00 - 17.30   Management capacity-building seminar 
                        ‘Development of National Music and Culture School Associations’

By | jul 25th, 2014|EMU|Nema komentara