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So far admin has created 1125 blog entries.

V Paris International Music Competition

Last call for the VI London International Music Competition On line, by video recordings 01/01/2019 –01/02/2019 Deadline for applications –15/12/2018

By | januar 21st, 2020|Obaveštenja, Takmičenja|Nema komentara

Last call for the VI London International Music Competition

Last call for the VI London International Music Competition On line, by video recordings 01/01/2019 –01/02/2019 Deadline for applications –15/12/2018

By | novembar 22nd, 2019|Obaveštenja, Takmičenja|Nema komentara

12th International Music Competition „Città di Treviso“

We would like to send you the general regulations of the 12th International Music Competition "Giovani Musicisti - Città di Treviso". This competitions is held by the Music Academy "Studio Musica" of Treviso in association with the town of Treviso, the Veneto region and the province of Treviso. Info:

By | novembar 15th, 2019|Takmičenja|Nema komentara

Entries to Best Schumann Performance Competition

Greetings, We hope you're doing well. We’d like to invite your students to participate in the global online competition Best Schumann Performance. Here's what you need to know in under 2 mins. FREE entries: May 14 - 21 ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to instrumentalists and singers of all nationalities and countries up to 25 years. AGE GROUPS I. 5 – [...]

By | maj 13th, 2019|Obaveštenja|Nema komentara

IV Geneva International Music Competition

On line, by video recordings 01/06/2019 –01/07/2019 Deadline for applications –15/05/2019 The competition is open to instrumentalists and singers of any nationality without age limits; soloists or groups. The possibility to get comments, advice from professors of superior music institutes of Switzerland, from Swiss musicians (our jury). Honorable Diplomas for all teachers. Honorable Diplomas with the [...]

By | april 30th, 2019|Obaveštenja|Nema komentara

Entries to Best Prokofiev Performance Competition

Greetings, We’d like to invite your students to participate in the global online competition Best Prokofiev Performance. Here's what you need to know in under 2 mins. FREE entries: March 23 - 30 ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to instrumentalists of all nationalities and countries up to 25 years. AGE GROUPS I. 5 – 7 years II. 8 – 10 III. 11 – [...]

By | mart 26th, 2019|Obaveštenja|Nema komentara

Koncert povodom Dana škole MŠ ,,Kosta Manojlović,,

Srdačno Vas pozivamo da svojim prisustvom koncertima uveličate svečanost povodom Dana škole. Kolektiv muzičke škole "Kosta Manojlović"- Zemun

By | novembar 23rd, 2018|Dan škole, Obaveštenja|Nema komentara

Entries to Best Beethoven Performance Competition

Greetings from GCC Series, We’d like to invite your students to participate in the global online competition Best Beethoven Performance. Here's what you need to know in under 2 mins. FREE entries: November 17 - 24 ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to instrumentalists and singers of all nationalities and countries up to 25 years. AGE GROUPS I. 5 – 7 years [...]

By | novembar 14th, 2018|Obaveštenja, Takmičenja|Nema komentara

XXI Međunarodno takmičenje solo pevača ‘’Nikola Cvejić’’

Ruma, 23. i 24. novembar 2018. Udruženje “Nikola i Marica Cvejić” u saradnji sa rumskom OMŠ “Teodor Toša Andrejević” i OŠ “Dušan Jerković” organizuje 21. Međunarodno takmičenje solo pevača “Nikola Cvejić”. Ova tradicionalna manifestacija nosi velik kulturno-umetnički značaj regionalnog karaktera, a organizuje se pod pokroviteljstvom Opštine Ruma i Pokrajinskim sekretarijatom za kulturu, javno informisanje i [...]

By | novembar 12th, 2018|Obaveštenja, Takmičenja|Nema komentara

MŠ Slavenski – Beograd, 5. Takmičenje flautista

Pozivamo vas na V takmičenje flautista od 13. do 16. decembra i XI takmičenje klavirista „Slavenski“ od 21. do 23. decembra 2018. godine. Propozicije i prijavu možete preuzeti na sajtu škole www.slavenski.edu.rs . Takmičenje se održava u Beogradu, u Muzičkoj školi „Josip Slavenski“, Radoslava Grujića 2a. Dobrodošli!

By | novembar 1st, 2018|Obaveštenja, Takmičenja|Nema komentara