Watch this young string quartet rock out on!
Watch this young string quartet rock out on!
Zavrsni koncert 20.06.2015.
Milica i drugari kao hor
Subota u 20h, Novosadska Sinagoga
Jevrejska 9, 21000 Novi Sad
Dragomir Bratić
Irena Josifoska
Ksenija Mijatović
Mirko Marić
Eufonija&Igor Paroški
Vanja Krajnov
Tajj String Quartet
Na međunarodnom takmičenju koje se održavalo u Ohridu od 15-21.juna 2015.godine za discipline flauta, oboa, klarinet, truba, saksofon,horna harmonika i kamerna muzika, predstavili su se i učenici saksofona naše škole u klasi nastavnika Tomislava Milosavljevića. U pretkategoriji učenik 1. razreda Miroslav Melentijević osvojio je II mesto sa 93,00 poena. Nikola Lazić učenik 3.razreda takmičar A kategorije osvojio je 95,00 poena i zauzeo II mesto. Klavirski saradnik, Milica Pošarac.
EMC Annual meeting on June 22nd in Bern, Switzerland, elected EMU presidium member Willem van Moort to the new EMC board for 2014-2016. Thus Willem succeeds to EMU president Helena Maffli who served on the EMC board from 2010 to 2014, and to EMU board member Timo Klemettinen who was President of EMC from 2008 until 2012.
This successful election ensures the sustainable involvement of EMU and the position of music education on the only existing platform for the entire European music sector.
Ian Smith (UK), Portfolio Manager Music & IP Development at Creative Schotland has been elected as the new EMC president.
16.6.2015. god.
The EMU has moved! Our new offices are located at Mohrenstrasse 63, Berlin/Mitte. The premises, also known as 'Glinka-Haus', was built in 1914-1916 by Bodo Ebhardt. The building is owned by the German government and offers office space to non-profit organisations.