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Dobro veče!

By | novembar 9th, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Choir Festival „Chernomorski zvutsi“

Dear friends,
Lovers of choir music,
The Association „Musical world - Balchik” and the Organizing Committee of the Third International Choir Festival „Chernomorski zvutsi" would like to invite your fantastic choirs /of all types and categor
ies – mixed, chamber, equal voice – male or female, youth, children’s choirs, including folk and popular choirs/, to take part in the Third edition of the festival which will be held from 5-th till 9-th June 2013 in Balchik, Bulgaria, Europe.

26 choirs and more than 800 singers from Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Lithuania, Serbia, Czech Republic and Romania have taken part in the first two editions of the festival.
They all completed to win the Gran Prix „Chernomorski zvutsi" and united in a creative team within the Choral Workshops.
You can view more information about the festival in our web site: www.chernomorskizvutsi.com
Come and be part of the third edition of the festival in order to experience the gladness from music together with us, and enjoy the Black Sea Coast!


By | novembar 7th, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Velike godišnjice

Velike godišnjice 
Klod Debisi
(1862 - 1918.)
Džordž Geršvin
(1898 - 1937)
Moris Ravel
(1875 - 1937)

By | novembar 6th, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara


Propozicije -----> http://www.zmbss.org/rep2013/rt_propozicije_2013.pdf?id=64

Pravilnik takmičenja -----> http://www.zmbss.org/rep2013/rt_pravilnik.pdf?id=71

Pravilnik o radu žirija -----> http://www.zmbss.org/rep2013/ziri_pravilnik.pdf?id=70

By | novembar 3rd, 2012|Takmičenja|Nema komentara

Lake Pearls 2013

Dear Friends !
We invite you to the 10 year jubilee of the International Art Festival "Lake Pearls", which will be held from 4th to 14th of August, 2013 in Struga, Republic of Macedonia !
It will be our pleasure to see you all for the wonderful celebration of talent, art and music !

By | novembar 2nd, 2012|Obaveštenja|Nema komentara

SMOTRA TALENATA u Sremskim Karlovcima

Od 1. do 4. NOVEMBRA  2012. u sali Karlovačke Gimnazije






Gudački instrumenti

By | novembar 2nd, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Info Magazin Music Media Centra No. 1

Pogledajte Info Magazin Music Media Centra No. 1 u PDF formatu!


By | novembar 1st, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Gete o muzici i svesti

"Muzika se nalazi toliko visoko da joj nijedan um nije dorastao; ona može da ovlada svima nama i da nas učini nesposobnim da pred samim sobom odgovaramo za svoje postupke i za svoje misli."


By | oktobar 31st, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

The Piano House

"The Piano House" je jedinstveni dizajn građevine: divovska transparentna violina naslonjena na ogromni klavir. Zgradu je sagradila lokalna samouprave u Huainanu, Kina, kako bi se povećao razvoj turizma na ovom području. Građevina također služi kao mjesto gdje lokalni studenti muzičke akademije mogu vježbati.

By | oktobar 26th, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Osobenosti muzičkog jezika u klavirskim delima Kloda Debisija u Slobomiru

Slobomir P Univerzitet obaveštava sve zainteresovane da će mr Marija Dinov u sredu, 24. oktobra, u sali Akademije umetnosti u Slobomiru, sa početkom u 14h, održati predavanje na temu "Osobenosti muzičkog jezika u klavirskim delima Kloda Debisija".

By | oktobar 20th, 2012|Obaveštenja|Nema komentara